May 10, 2022


Since the Covid-19 pandemic erupted worldwide at the end of 2019 and emerged in Vietnam in early 2020, B/S Art Studio has been closely monitoring the information and developments of the disease. This pandemic has significantly affected the lives of people around the world. In tribulation, or difficult times, the character of each individual and each nation will be most clearly revealed.

Vietnam, a small country, has demonstrated its own unique good values during the Covid-19 pandemic. Through actions of immense significance, it has astonished and earned respect from powerful nations.

B/S Art Studio hopes that its artworks will document an important milestone in the history of humanity in general and Vietnam in particular.

The painting series “Homeland’s affection” was created in 2020 and with 10 artworks featuring “tiny human” in the fairy tale world, symbolizing the small land of Vietnam.

The artists at B/S Art Studio drew inspiration from real-life events across Vietnam to depict the people, front line soldiers, and the mutual care, love, sharing, and support among Vietnamese people during times of difficulty, creating a fairy tale of wonderland. In this miniature world, the beauty of Vietnamese culture and values is portrayed in a charming and intimate manner.

Artwork 01: Covid-19 Sneaked in Vietnam’s border
Artwork 02: Covid-19 Gets captured and quarantined
Artwork 03: Coordination Between Doctors, Soldiers, and Civilians
Artwork 04: Prioritizing Care for Women and Children
Artwork 05: Support and Encouragement
Artwork 06: Sharing difficulties in a pandemic
Artwork 07: Spreading Love
Artwork 08: Night Guard Duty
Artwork 9: Come Back Home (No One Left Behind)
Artwork 10: The sun will rise again in Vietnam

The painting series “The Silent Front line Heroes” in 2021 about the humane story of silent heroes on the front lines. They ignored their own safety, temporarily separated from their families, and exerted all their strength in the fight against Covid-19 to bring health and peace to everyone. This includes:

    Images of front line doctors and medical staff fighting tirelessly, dedicating themselves daily to saving the lives of Covid-19 patients.

    Images of healthcare workers who are also mothers caring for innocent children in bulky protective gear at isolation areas, moving many with their dedication.

    Images of police soldiers on the front lines fighting the epidemic, always on duty regardless of sun or rain at checkpoints to regulate traffic and ensure security in quarantine areas to prevent the spread of the disease to the community.

    Images of border guards guarding the borders day and night, present in every nook and cranny, from villages to households, to implement preventive measures and prevent the spread of the disease to the community.

B/S Art Studio believes that “Compassion” – one of the noble qualities of the Vietnamese people – is the strength that helps us overcome everything. Across the country, there has been a lot of sharing, and many small gifts have been handed over to those most affected by the pandemic. Beautiful sentiments, full of humanity, bind together the hearts of strangers. Despite any difficulties or new Covid-19 variants, with collective effort, unity, determination to fight the pandemic nationwide, Vietnam will once again overcome and win the pandemic.

The painting series comprises 11 artworks featuring images of doctors and front line teams:

Artwork 01: Exhausted Work
Artwork 02: Brief Rest and Nap
Artwork 03: Hasty Meals
Artwork 04: Rescuing Angels
Artwork 05: Little Warriors
Artwork 06: Seed of Hope
Artwork 07: Super Doctor
Artwork 09: Police and Border Guards
Artwork 10: Stay Home – Stay Safe
Artwork 11:  At the Checkpoint on a Rainy Night
Artwork 08: Spreading Love and Kindness

Through the two painting series, B/S Art Studio would like to express sincere gratitude to the doctors, medical staff, police officers, security personnel, border guards, and young volunteers who are tirelessly standing guard, tracking, treating, and caring for the sick, preventing the spread of the disease, and helping us return to normal life as soon as possible.

Please watch video about these collections:

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#Traditionalart #painting #drawing #covid_19 #tranh_ve