- About the new church in San Jose, USA
On August 30, 2012, St. Patrick’s Church caught on fire. The St. Patrick’s Vietnamese Catholic community lost their church. They were no longer able to gather together in worship to pray and glorify God. The devastating fire seemed to have closed off the future of Vietnamese parishes in San Jose.
On April 28, 2013, Bishop Patrick J. Mc Grath issued a decree to change the name of St. Patrick to “Our Lady of La Vang Parish”.
After 9 years of waiting since the initial Church burnt down, on September 27, 2021, the new Church was being built.
2. Our Art Design Project:
B/S Art Studio was in charge of designing many art projects for the church. Because this is a church for the Vietnamese Catholic community, we choose Vietnamese symbols, images and cultural values to represent on the artworks.

On May 13th, 2023 – the inauguration day of the church, B/S Art Studio organized an art exhibition with 11 Painting Artwork “THE HISTORY OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN VIETNAM” in San Jose.
Integrated into the history of the nation is the history of Vietnamese Catholicism with 11 important milestones along with the spirit, energy and intrinsic beauty of the Vietnamese people.
“The History of Catholic Church in Vietnam” art exhibition with 11 painting artworks are the stories about the historical background of Vietnamese Catholic Church depicting the Vietnamese portrait, spirit and will, especially the powerful faith in the event Our Lady carrying Baby Jesus in her arm appeared in the La Vang Holy land.
Bam Bi, the artist of B/S Art Studio, has combined a realistic style with iconic patterns, textures and images symbolizing cultural characteristics of each region of Vietnam on each piece of art..

Working 16 hours a day for 10 months, searching for documents, sifting through information, coming up with creative ideas, painter Bam Bi completed the set of paintings. Each of artwork is creative based on Vietnamese people will, spirit and perseverance. Especially the typical symbol and beauty of each region of Vietnam.
Size of the painting artworks:
+ 10 artworks: 107 cm x 122 cm
+ 1 round painting artwork: 220 cm (diameter)
“THE HISTORY OF CATHOLIC CHURCH IN VIETNAM” art exhibition is a part of the Our Lady of La vang Parish inaugurating event in San Jose, United State. All the artworks are going to be auctioned and the money is donated to the charity fund of Vinh Long Caritas Diocese.

Exhibition introduction trailer
Images and meanings of the artworks:
Artwork no.1: Year 1533
Year 1533: Marked the first historical milestone of Dai Viet receiving the Good News of Christ.

Artwork no.2: Father Alexandre de Rhodes
Year 1624: Father Alexandre de Rhodes (Dac Lo) arrived in Hoi An, Da Nang, Vietnam. He was a great contributor in creating the written “National Language” and establishing the “Preachers” group. He was the author of the first two publications in Quoc Ngu script, the Vietnamese – Portuguese – Latin dictionary and the catechism “Preachings in Eight Days” printed in 1651.

Artwork no.3: Blessed Andrew Phu Yen
Year 1644: Blessed Andrew Phu Yen, a 19-year-old preacher, was martyred in Phuoc Kieu, Quang Nam, the first martyr of the Vietnamese Church.

Artwork no.4: The first two dioceses of Vietnam.
Year 1659: Pope Alexander VII issued the decree “Super Cathedram” establishing the first two dioceses of Vietnam. The Diocese of Cochinchina, from the Gianh River to the South and the Diocese of Tonkin from the Gianh River to the North.

Artwork no.5: The first Vietnamese priests.
Year 1668: Bishop Lambert De La Motte ordained four preachers at the Juthia seminary in Ayutthaya, Thailand. These are the first Vietnamese priests. He is also the founder of the Vietnamese Congregation of Lovers of the Holy Cross.

Artwork no.6: Our Lady of La Vang
Year 1798: Our Blessed Mother appeared in La Vang, Quang Tri to comfort and help her faithful children who were persecuted during the reign of King Canh Thinh.

Artwork no.7: Saint Anê Le Thi Thanh
Year 1841: Saint Anê Le Thi Thanh died in prison for her faith in Nam Dinh during the reign of King Thieu Tri. She is the only woman among the canonized Vietnamese martyrs.

Artwork no.8: Saint Philip Phan Van Minh
Year 1853: Saint Philip Phan Van Minh, priest of Mac Bac, was beheaded at Dinh Khao, Vinh Long during the reign of King Tu Duc.

Artwork no.9: Year 1960
Year 1960: Pope John XXIII issued the apostolic constitution Venerabilium Nostrorum establishing the Vietnamese Church Hierarchy with three ecclesiastical provinces: Hanoi – Hue – Saigon.

Artwork no.10: Year 1975
Year 1975: Historical events changed the lives of many people. But with the guidance of God and the protection of Our Lady, the Christian community has reached the land of faith and hope.

Artwork no.11: Our Lady of La Vang Parish San Jose
Year 2013: “St. Patrick Parish” was renamed “Our Lady of La Vang Parish”.
May 13, 2023: Consecration and inauguration of the Vietnamese Parish Church of Our Lady of La Vang in San Jose, California.

B/S Art Studio is also in charge of writing and producing the yearbook “All is Grace & Our Lady of La Vang” for the church.
The book is about the history of “Our Lady of La Vang Parish, San Jose,” from its initial construction in 1872.
Despite facing numerous setbacks including collapses and fires but the Vietnamese Catholic community came together with unity and collective effort, contributing funds to build a new church. The Cathedral of Our Lady of La Vang Parish, San Jose, was consecrated on May 13, 2023. The book also delves into a portion of the history of the Vietnamese Catholic Church and the various forms of sacred art within the church.